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Mother support

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Preparing for
Your Baby’s Birth

The delivery date approaches prompting anxiety:

What should go into my hospital bag?

Is the nursery suitable?

Will I remember everything about caring for a baby when I am at home alone?


I have practical advice to address all your concerns. I can also provide a welcome home service and a follow up consultation the next day, whatever you need to put you at ease.



Have you found that breastfeeding is not so straightforward?


It is often a simple variance that can be adjusted. From understanding the correct positioning and attachment, to expressing and sterilizing, together we can apply my professional knowledge and expertise to the challenges you face so that you can be assured your baby is feeding well.


In cases of a slow let-down reflex, sensitivity and pain, engorgement or cracked nipples, I can propose options to induce relief, reducing stress, and enabling you to enjoy loving and intimate moments with your baby.

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Managing Fatigue

When you are exhausted and feel overwhelmed:

Together we will pinpoint simple measures to adopt every day which can be incorporated into your daily routine to create rest time for you.


At each consultation we can review your situation and adapt our approach to meet the changing needs of you, your baby and your family.

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